Google Docs now for teams

Bill Kee, Associate Product Marketing Manager

You already know that Google Docs is built to make sharing and collaborating on documents easy for everyone. And of course the people we collaborate with the most are those around us in the workplace or at school. Being part of the same organization can make for special cases of sharing – like wanting to allow anyone at your company to view or edit a document, but not wanting to share with the world at large.

Because we're always looking for ways to make collaboration better, we're launching a new way to use Google Docs, along with other collaboration tools like Google Calendar and Talk, that optimizes all of those tools for members of the same organization. It's called Google Apps Team Edition, and anyone with an email address from their work or school can sign up right now. There’s no hardware, software or setup involved, and no burden for IT administrators.
After confirming that you belong to a company or school, you can start collaborating with your group and invite others from your organization who haven't joined yet. You can then start creating and sharing documents with your team members. Give it a try at

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