"I first started using Docs last year in my Freshman English class and my Beginning Journalism class and I loved it right away. There were several reasons why I loved it. First, my students loved collaborating online both at home and at school and it made it easier for me to teach writing. For my Romeo and Juliet unit, I divided my students into pairs and assigned them a persuasive essay about 'Who/What was responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet.' I asked each student to pick a text color (so I could see who wrote what) and a position and then have an online discussion defending their position. They loved it and every day that week they would come into class asking 'Can we go to the computer lab to work on our essays? Pleasssssse' The results were great and their enthusiasm for writing was contagious. Docs has changed the way that I teach writing and made me a more effective teacher. "
Teachers, we're asking you to raise your voice (or your typing fingers, as the case may be), and let us know who you are, how you use Google Docs within the classroom and what you'd like to see us do in the future.
To help you help us effortlessly, we've used the spreadsheets forms feature to create a quick survey.
So have at it!
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