Lights, camera, Google Docs and YOU

Meredith Whittaker, Program Manager

Since first launching Google Docs, we've heard from many people who are passionate about using it, and have created their own resources, from help videos to user guides, to help others work smarter with Google Docs.

And now, we're unveiling the Google Docs Community Channel on YouTube to showcase all the great videos you create about how to use Google Docs. What you'll see here is skill and passion expressed in video.

Foreign language teacher Stephan Rinke put together an introduction to Google Docs for his colleagues; "Paintbuoy" uploaded step-by-step visual instructions on creating forms (with a soundtrack!); and Kara and Will from the Maynard Institute joke around as they describe using Google Docs as a content management system.

Each of these is produced by someone who wants to help more of you learn about Google Docs. We encourage you to get involved in the Google Docs Community Channel to share your ideas and your content, too. Contributing a video is easy: First, break out your cameras, your screencapture software and your creativity. When you're done, upload your video and get in touch using the "message" function in the channel (or simply enter your information in this form). Tell us the URL of your video. We'll feature any piece that's appropriate, and highlight our favorites regularly right here, on our blog.

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