Videos from Japan and Czech teams

About two months ago, the Google Japan team helped create a video for Google Chrome that was well-received by local viewers and bloggers. We thought it might have transcontinental appeal, so we decided to also share it on the Google YouTube channel in English. The video, shown below, has since had over 2 million views.

The video was created by Pantograph, who also provided us with some behind-the-scenes photos of their production process:

More recently, the Japan team has come up with some new animations highlighting some of Google Chrome's features in a fun way. Check out the video below and watch how the character surfs on a cursor, cures a sick tab, speeds on his motorcycle, and buys a wedding ring.

Similarly, the Czech team put together a few flash banners that show off some features of Google Chrome.  The banner below, by David Böhm, is just the first of several commissioned from popular Czech cartoonists trying to capture local flavor through comic strips - a very Czech medium.  Whether they discuss Chrome's speed or simplicity these videos are just as charming and quirky in translation.

As always, you can see the latest Google Chrome videos on the Google Chrome YouTube channel.

Posted by Jason Toff, Google Chrome team

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