Today we are releasing a new version of the Google Analytics for iOS SDK. We’ve added several features similar to those added to the Google Analytics for Android SDK version 1.3 earlier. New features include:
General Campaign Tracking
This new feature is probably the most exciting one for this release. We now support the ability to set campaign referral information. To learn more about this feature and how to use is, see our documentation.
To provide more privacy to your users, use the anonymizeIp property in the GANTracker class, which removes the last octet of the IP address prior to storage. More details can be found in the documentation.
If you are getting a large volume of traffic, you can set the sample rate to be something other than 100% and we’ll decide based on visitor ID whether to send hits. This will allow you to control the sampling of your report data rather than having on-the-fly sampling occur. Check out the documentation for more details.
We're continuing to enhance the Google Analytics Mobile SDKs to add features, fix bugs and make them better overall. We hope you are just as excited as us with this latest version of the Google Analytics for iOS SDK.
Posted by Jim Cotugno and Neil Rhodes, Google Analytics Mobile Team
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