Today, we updated the Google Analytics IQ course, available at google.com/analytics/iq, to reflect the new version of Google Analytics. An updated exam will appear during the first week of January. If you’re already in the middle of studying and plan to take the exam in December, you may wish to continue using the old version of the course, which will remain available at ConversionUniversity.com for one more week. After that, ConversionUniversity.com will host the new course.
So, what’s been updated? If you’ve been practicing with the old version of Google Analytics, you’ll find that most of the knowledge you’ve acquired will be valid and useful for the new exam. But, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the new version and start using it.
Specifically, you should
- understand accounts, web properties, and profiles in the new Google Analytics,
- know the goal types and when to use each type,
- understand the concepts of “metric” and “dimension”,
- be aware of new Google Analytics capabilities and reports. (Try reviewing recent posts on this blog to make sure you’re up to speed.)
We hope you enjoy the updated online course and best of luck on the exam!
Posted by Alden DeSoto, Google Analytics Team
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